Amplify is a six-day creative arts camp for young people aged school year 11 to 25 years, from across Aotearoa New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.



There are three main purposes for Amplify:


To encourage and equip young people in the creative arts and help them to discover how to use these skills in their corps and community.


To help build positive connections between young people across our territory.


To strengthen and develop young people in their discipleship journeys.


Leader specific information:




Local youth leaders can apply to attend Amplify in the sole role of caring for their young people. This is called an application form for safety – everyone attending camp needs to ‘apply’ so a corps officer/centre manager can let us know they are happy for you and your young people to attend.

Leaders will be accepted where appropriate and proportionate to their group size! Local youth leaders will also need to be up to date with their Keeping Children Safe. Hit the button below to apply as a leader.


Youth Leaders will be in separate accommodation rooms to campers and will not be in creative streams. Youth Leaders will participate in leaders meetings, and with all other camp wide activities and we ask that you partner with us in making this a great week for your crew.

We will likely ask you to help with different events through the week: games, bible studies, cafe and general helping the camp run smoothly!

This means, following guidance and ‘rules’ set out for camp, taking the lead on pastorally caring for those in your care, attending the youth leader hui and keeping us informed of anything we may need to know about.


We also have an experienced team of around 40 staff each year that are there to journey with you – they do an exceptional job of caring, praying, chatting, learning and having fun with us all! We have a dedicated wellbeing team onsite to support young people, as well as older campers acting as dorm monitors in accommodation spaces – we take the care of young people seriously!

In light of this, it is not a requirement to provide a leader with young people from your corps/centre but each young person in attendance will be allocated an adult that is their Ampli-friend or ‘go-to’ person – an adult onsite that will check in with them and pastorally care for them across the week as needed.

If a local leader from your setting isn’t attending, we’ll let campers know who their Ampli-friend is in their delegate letter. This will be a Next Gen Team member, staff member or a local leader.


Please let us know if you have young people with particular needs that we might need to look out for – we want to make this the best experience possible for everyone.

We know leaving a safe, spiritual community like Amplify and heading back to reality can be hard - we are keen to work with you better in how the Amplify ‘experience’ translates back to your young people’s home, corps and social life!

We want to help.

If you want more information about Amplify or have suggestions on how this partnership could be improved – we would love to hear from you.



